Thursday 20 August 2015

Difference Between Stored Procedure and Functions Sql

Stored Procedure and Functions


1. Function Must Return Value

   For Stored Procedure it's Not Must to return value it's optional 

2. Stored Procedures are pre-compile objects which are compiled for 
first time and its compiled format is saved which executes (compiled code) whenever it is called 

But Function is compiled and executed every time when it is called

3. Function can Accept only Input Parameters
   But Stored Procedure Can Accept Both Input and Output Parameters

4. Functions can be called from Procedure whereas Procedures cannot be called from Function

5. Functions Like Views only Accept Data Select Statements It does not Allow the Permanent Storage of data so it does not allows DML statements like Insert , Update , Delete

Whereas Store Procedure Allows All type of DML statements like Insert , Update and also Select Statements.

6. Funtions can be used in Select Statements like views to View data 
But Stored Procedure Cannot be Embedded in Select Statements


Difference Between Views And StoredProcedure Sql

Stored Procedure Vs Views

1. Stored Procedure are collection of pre-executed sql Statements that accepts parameters as input and depending on input parameters passed gives the Output Result

Views Act like Virtual Tables That Contains set of Rows and Columns from multiple original table of Database according to defined Query Commands

2. Stored Procedure Cannot be Used as Large Building Block or we can simply say It cannot be treated as tables in large queries 

But Views Can be treated like tables we can Use Views similar to table and execute select statements on Views Similar to Tables

3. Stored Procedures Allow the Use of Data Manipulation Command like Insert Data , Update data on Table or Schemas To Manipulate Data

But Views Cannot have Data Manipulation Command It can only give list of data or View of data based on set of Queries in it . Views cannot be used to Permanently store data in database it allows just to view the data.

4. Views  can have  only one Select Statement Allowed To Use

Store Procedure Can Use Various Set of Statements That also Include If-Else Statements

5. View is a virtual table that only exists when you use the view in a query. Its considered virtual table because it acts like a table, and the same operations that can be performed on a table can be performed on a view. Virtual table doesn't stay in the database, it gets created when we use the view and then delete it. 

But Stored Procedure Physically Exist 

6. Views are Used for Providing Security to data So that by using the Views we can View only Particular view of the schema to the user Not the Full View with required columns. Their is no physical presence of view data anywhere in database.

Stored Procedure allows to perform any type of data Manipulation operation But We can also Put Security Permission on Store Procedure In order to Restrict its Access From Unauthorized User

7. Code Sample For Stored Procedure and Views
This Stored procedure is used to Insert value into the table tbl_students. 

Create Procedure InsertStudentrecord
 @StudentFirstName Varchar(200),
 @StudentLastName  Varchar(200),
 @StudentEmail     Varchar(50)
   Insert into tbl_Students (Firstname, lastname, Email)
   Values(@StudentFirstName, @StudentLastName,@StudentEmail)
View Example
CREATE VIEW [Category Sales For 1997] AS

SELECT DISTINCT CategoryName,Sum(ProductSales) AS CategorySales

FROM [Product Sales for 1997]

GROUP BY CategoryName 

Saturday 1 August 2015

Jquery Full Calender Integrated With ASP.NET

Jquery Full Calender Integrated With ASP.NET

- First you need to define the function in Code-Behind using c# or that will make a Class that contains the similar properties that is required by Jquery full calendar to Fill the Calendar

- Then We Use Jquery Ajax and make request to that function that will pass some data that you can fill manually or you can also fetch that from database and then return that to this Ajax Request

- Now use the Code below to Plot then on Full Calendar

If you have any problem setting this please tell me in comments I am here to help you setting this up

Download Full Solution Code Here . Don't Forget to Share Us on Social Media

Code To Fetch Events Using Jquery

 <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function () {
                type: "POST",
                contentType: "application/json",
                data: "{}",
                url: "Default.aspx/GetEvents",
                dataType: "json",
                success: function (data) {

                        header: {
                            left: 'prev,next today',
                            center: 'title',
                            right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay'
                        editable: true,
                        events: $.map(data.d, function (item, i) {
                            var event = new Object();
                   = item.EventID;
                            event.start = new Date(item.StartDate);
                            event.end = new Date(item.EndDate);
                            event.title = item.EventName;
                            event.url = item.Url;
                            event.ImageType = item.ImageType;
                            return event;
                        }), eventRender: function (event, eventElement) {
                            if (event.ImageType) {
                                if (eventElement.find('span.fc-event-time').length) {

                                } else {

                        loading: function (bool) {
                            if (bool) $('#loading').show();
                            else $('#loading').hide();
                error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
        function GetImage(type) {
            if (type == 0) {
                return "<br/><img src = 'Styles/Images/attendance.png' style=

            else if (type == 1) {
                return "<br/><img src = 'Styles/Images/not_available.png' style=

                return "<br/><img src = 'Styles/Images/not_available.png' style=



Web Method In C# that Pass the Event to Jquery Ajax Request

        public static IList GetEvents()
            IList events = new List<Event>();
            for (int i = 0; i < DateTime.DaysInMonth(DateTime.Now.Year, 

DateTime.Now.Month); i++)

                events.Add(new Event
                    EventName = "My Event " + i.ToString(),
                    StartDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(i).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"),
                    EndDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(i+1).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"),
                    ImageType = i % 2,
                    Url = @""
            return events;

Class To Define the Event

 public class Event
        public Guid EventID { get { return new Guid(); } }
        public string EventName { get; set; }
        public string StartDate { get; set; }
        public string EndDate { get; set; }
        public int ImageType { get; set; }
        public string Url { get; set; }